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AVS Document Converter
Convert files between DOC, PDF, DOCX, HTML, etc. Create e-books & Web pages.
AVS Document Converter screenshot
Convert text files between various formats.
Convert documents between various formats. Work with text files and images without any additional graphics or editing software. Convert your files between DOC, PDF, DOCX, RTF, TXT, HTML, etc. Convert PDF format to the light-weight DOCX. Transfer regular text formats to e-Pub format and create your own e-books easily. Open and convert such e-book formats as DjVu and FB2 to all key formats supported by AVS Document Converter. Create password and protect your PDF-docs. Apply restrictions for editing, copying or printing your document by the recipients. Or identify your files with a personal watermark. Zip bulky files before or after the data conversion and attach them to your e-mails directly in AVS Document Converter interface. Save text files as images with JPEG or GIF extension. Command line mode allows you not only to convert a lot of documents simultaneously but merge several files into one, watermark PDFs, introduce PDF editing, copying and printing restrictions. Compress your bulky files to ZIP format before or after the data conversion. Password the output archive and attach it to your e-mail directly in AVS Document Converter interface. Convert your documents to HTML format and publish them as a Web page. Optimized command-line mode (new €hideApp€ submode, improved €minimizeForm€ submode). Some bug fixes. AVS Document Converter is a part of the AVS4YOU.com package. Register once at avs4you.com and work with all tools from the AVS4YOU.com package. Subscribe for $39/year or $59/lifetime. AVS4YOU tools let you easily rip, convert and edit audio/video files, edit images, burn DVDs, create ringtones, upload videos to portable devices, players, phones and much more!
Technical details
AVS Document Converter for Windows
Intel/AMD Core 2 Duo compatible at 3 GHz or higher, 2 GB RAM or higher, Sound card
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Russian, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, English, Polish, Italian
Release date:
March 14, 2019
AVS Document Converter Changelog

Optimized command-line mode (new “hideApp” submode, improved “minimizeForm” submode). Some bug fixes.