isimSoftware Ticket Numerator Fast easy to use Numerator Software isimSoftware Ticket Numerator is fast and easy to use numberator software. Perfect for creating tickets, order books, invoices, labels, course-work...anything that needs numbering! Print and Number at the same time Using isimSoftware Ticket Numerator you can print and number at the same time using any printer or workflow. No need for overprinting or running jobs twice. With isimSoftware Ticket Numerator numbered jobs can be ran as quickly and as cheaply as normal jobs. Import, impose and export Import a PDF file and isimSoftware Ticket Numerator numbers each ticket, page or element in any position and as many times as you need and then outputs an imposed PDF. No further work required. Easy Number Placing No need to work out positions for each number on the page, simply add your numbers for one set and isimSoftware Ticket Numerator automatically calculates the rest. Flexible Collation options. isimSoftware Ticket Numerator has several intelligent collation options. Print in ready to cut books and pads singly or multiple-up. No need for further time consuming manual collation. Double sided printing - Numbers on front and back if required. Any sequence of blanks and repeats for even the most complex jobs. Precise control over trim and gutters with automatic PDF trim box detection. Font and color options for perfect design finish.