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PDFreactor Alternative

Bring the power to edit and create PDF docs with the PDFreactor Alternative.
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PDF benefits with the PDFreactor Alternative
PDFreactor provides your team with some PDFreactor HTML to PDF capabilities that may benefit your final product outcome. However, the new PDFreactor Alternative from the expert development team at IronSoftware offers more features in a streamlined process that cuts way down on time to MVP. This includes full support for .NET 5, Core, Standard, Framework, and Azure, providing maximum flexibility with your project build. Most businesses today rely on some form of PDF documentation. Everyone from the local grocery store offering PDF receipts for loyalty programs to car dealerships sending new purchase contracts via email requires PDF support. Adding the new PDFreactor Alternative to your project build elevates its value by capturing various source information from HTML, URLs, ASPX, text, images, and more. The final outcome is a detailed document due to the enhanced Pixel Perfect Chromium Rendering built into the package. Your end-users can also customize various parts of your PDF files using the PDFreactor Alternative from IronSoftware. This way, if they would like to maintain branding in the headers, footers, images, or text, they can. That includes using well-known security features to ensure files' safe distribution. You can use password protection, permissions, digital signatures, and even metadata management when your end users want more organization support. As the PDFreactor Alternative is free to use while you're in the development phase, you may wish to read up on the supportive documentation available at https://ironpdf.com/blog/compare-to-other-components/pdfreactor-html-to-pdf-alternative. You can also download a copy at https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronPdf. This simplified method ensures your project gets full PDF capabilities without a massive investment or time-consuming solution. So visit IronSoftware and start today!
Technical details
PDFreactor Alternative 2022.11.10347 for Windows
Requires .NET 5, .Net Framework 4.0, .Net Core 2.0, or .NET Standard, running on Windows, Mac, Linux
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Pashto, Gaelic, Assamese, Swahili, Corsican, Macedonian, Slovenian, Thai, Singhalese, Croatian, Russian, Kurdish, Cambodian, ChineseSimplified, Mongolian, Welsh, Malay, Norwegian, Nepali, Hebrew, Faeroese, Burmese, Quechua, Breton, Uzbek, Catalan, Czech, Lithuanian, Slovak, Georgian, Occitan, Tatar, Chinese, Ukrainian, Maori, Swedish, Esperanto, Spanish, Dutch, Sudanese, French, Maltese, Afrikaans, Basque, Tajik, Indonesian, Latin, Sanskrit, Azerbaijani, Finnish, Armenian, Romanian, Arabic, Marathi, Danish, Bulgarian, Malayalam, Tamil, Tonga, Kirghiz, Gujarati, Korean, Japanese, Tigrinya, Persian, Telugu, Bengali, Serbian, German, English, Amharic, Turkish, Kannada, Punjabi, Irish, Kazakh, Portuguese, Greek, Icelandic, Urdu, Tagalog, Sindhi, Polish, ChineseTraditional, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Byelorussian, Latvian, Oriya, Hungarian, Estonian, Hindi, Italian, Yiddish, Tibetan, Javanese, Other, Albanian, Frisian, Laothian, Galician
Release date:
November 9, 2022
PDFreactor Alternative 2022.11.10347 Changelog

Adds Radio button form elements, generated from html 'input' elements with a 'type' attribute of 'radio' Adds RTF-to-PDF - see RenderRtfStringAsPdf() for more info Adds more ways to replace text - ReplaceTextOnPages() and ReplaceTextOnAllPages() Fixes error when calling ApplyWatermark() And more