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UpdateStar Local Backup

UpdateStar (Demo)
The files are copied exactly and put on the target disk
Your daily local backup
Local Backup backups your important files and folders automatically. If you want to backup photos, videos and other important files on an external USB stick the software copies the original files as well as all changed versions of the the files and directories. The backup process starts following the pre-defined schedule or automatically when a removable device is re-connected. All backup files can always be accessed using the Windows Explorer. Local Backup is intended for users who rarely create data backups, because it seems too complicated. The backup process can start automatically by connecting a backup device to the computer. This allows users to create backups exactly when they need it, for example immediately after importing photos and videos from a digital camera. The user interface is simple and intuitive and with a few clicks you can set up your backup schedule. Local Backup provides reliable protection against a loss of data due to accidental deletion or a virus attack. Just connect an external disk to the computer and Local Backup checks whether there have been changes to the original files or folders that are already on the external disk. A manual start is not required. You can select files, folders or entire partitions you wish to backup.
Technical details
UpdateStar Local Backup 4 for Windows
Intel Pentium II 400 MHz or equivalent, 256 MB RAM, VGA, Mouse, keyboard
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
German, English
Release date:
April 14, 2015
UpdateStar Local Backup 4 Changelog

New localizations, software search engine integrated, enhanced version recognition