TinTin++ Mud Client Icon

TinTin++ Mud Client

MUDhalla (Freeware)
TinTin++ is a Mud Client for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
TinTin++ Mud Client screenshot
TinTin++ is a console Mud Client.
TinTin++, aka tt++, is a free console Mud Client, terminal multiplexer and shell scripting language for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows that runs in console mode. Its main assets are a easy to learn yet powerful scripting language featuring just-in-time compilation, full telnet support, automapping, perl-compatible regular expressions, a split screen VT100 interface to separate mud output from client input, and keyboard macros that work on all systems. TinTin++ runs on Windows using the Cygwin Linux environment, WSL, or the Windows installer. TinTin++ runs on Android using the Termux Linux environment for which it's available as a package. TinTin++ runs on iOS using the iSH Linux environment.
Technical details
TinTin++ Mud Client 2.01.92 for Linux
Windows 95, 10MB RAM
OS Support:
Linux, Linux Console, Linux Gnome, Linux GPL, Linux Open Source
Release date:
November 2, 2019
TinTin++ Mud Client 2.01.92 Changelog

Added #daemon attach|detach|kill|list. See #help daemon. Added .. ellipsis support to define ranges in tables. Added #line oneshot support to all triggers and variables.