Recording screen activity or other elements of your desktop area presents no difficulties anymore, thanks to the latest advancement in screen capturing apps, filled with ever-growing tools and features that facilitate the entire endeavor. Free Screenshot Tool, just as its name aptly suggests, will provide users with a simple yet capable utility for performing screen capturing on their desktops, and a series of additional tools for working with the resulting images, such as a bundled graphics editor, sharing capabilities, and many more. Unobtrusive tray-area icon, which holds access to a multitude of menus and subsequent entries We enjoyed the fact that right after the swift installation process, the application is ready-to-go and starts minimized, as its main interaction interface is represented by its tray area icon, which is both unobtrusive, at the same time highly functional. Access to almost all of the apps features is provided through the extensive menus of the tray area icons. However, hotkey versions of most of those are also provided, meaning that those who cherish efficiency will be able to prompt them that way. Choose your screen capture type, perform it and process the resulting image with the basic editor features Most standard screenshot modes are provided, and each of the resulting outputs is automatically accompanied by a minimalist graphics editor, which allows one, for instance, to add watermarks, or, perform direct edits using graphical tools. Furthermore, a load of other useful tools are bundled within the app, and for instance, one will be able to share the captured content quite easily, directly from the app to some of the most common storage providers, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.