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Super Resizer

iSlaam Khaleed (Freeware)
Resize your images, preserving the quality, one by one or whole bunch of them
Super Resizer screenshot
Resize your images, preserving the quality
Resize your images with preserving the quality either one by one or whole bunch of them. Resize your photos at single click to the same size or different sizes, with preserving photo quality to the best. Resizing photos made easy with this easy-to-use lite weighted app. Resize your images with preserving the quality either one by one or whole bunch of them. Resize your photos at single click to the same size or different sizes, with preserving photo quality to the best. Resizing photos made easy with this easy-to-use lite weighted app.
Technical details
Super Resizer 2.0 for Windows
.NET Framework
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Release date:
December 9, 2019
Super Resizer 2.0 Changelog

Add context menu shortcut Add drag and drop feature Fixing 'numbers greater than zero error' Adding 'Open with' feature. Now you can select single or multiple photos in Windows Explorer then choose open with super resizer and you are done Execlude photos manually in patch photo processing