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UpdateStar Password Finder

UpdateStar (Demo)
Supports user name and password recovery and backup from one hundred programs
UpdateStar Password Finder screenshot
Recover hidden passwords
Password Finder helps you to search and find passwords, user names and other related information stored and hidden on your local computers or remote network computers. Because losing passwords is a very annoying experience, Password Finder finds and exports this important information for you. Password Finder supports scanning of local computers as well as remote network computers and allows you to scan multiple computers at the same time. You can export or print the information from within Password Finder and store it in a safe place for backup reasons. Password Finder is typically being used by home users as well as corporate admins. UpdateStar Password Finder analyzes your computer and searches for stored passwords. Our database currently supports 108 vendors and software products. It detects which passwords and related information is hidden on your computer and collects that information. Thanks to Password Finder you can export and backup this valuable information.
Technical details
UpdateStar Password Finder 8 for Windows
Intel Pentium III or equivalent, 512 MB RAM
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
ChineseSimplified, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, English, ChineseTraditional, Italian
Release date:
July 23, 2015
UpdateStar Password Finder 8 Changelog

Speed improvements, minor enhancements and bug fixes