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Remote Work

RDS-Tools (Demo)
Securely Access your office PC from anywhere & easily transition to home office
Remote Work screenshot
Securely Access your Office PC from anywhere
Out of necessity, millions of workers have been dispersed from their classic central office surroundings. The cost and logistics of duplicating software licenses alone can be enormous. TSplus Remote Work provides users with secure remote connection to their office PC desktop for a seamless home office experience. It is an effortless and cost-saving solution for creating a complete work-from-home environment in no time! - Cost and time saving: Using Remote Work to access corporate desktop PCs can save organizations enough money in licensing costs to pay for itself on the first day of deployment. The Remote Work Admin Tool is fast to install and easy to configure and there are no Windows Server roles to install. A single server at the office running the software is enough to get started. - Secure for your data: It acts as a gateway, brokering connections between remote users and their office desktops. - Multi-devices: The gateway is also a web server, offering an easy to use, secure web portal to give users the ability to remotely access their office PCs via any device and any web browser! - Familiar: More than that, it connects them with the same session they would normally see whenthey are in the office. From License management to web portal customization, Remote Work keeps management simple for a successful and optimized transition to home office! Download the first major version for a free 15-day trial.
Technical details
Remote Work 16.40 for Windows
OS Support:
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
Russian, Spanish, French, German, English, Polish, Italian
Release date:
August 28, 2023
Remote Work 16.40 Changelog

Added compatibility with Windows 10 1809, Server 2019, and Server 2022 latest updates Improved diagnosis log output Added new settings.bin parameters http_max_header_length, http_max_request_length and http_max_chunk_length Fixed special characters issue for username and password when connecting